What My Dog Taught Me About God

When we beg like children, we show a lack of trust. When we ask, and continue to push forward, life is a lot more enjoyable. The best part of it all is that when we learn to have a restful soul and we trust Him, we get to see Him...

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January 14, 2022
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What My Dog Taught Me About God

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Lilly is annoying. When she wants food, or anything for that matter, she is relentless. We got her when she was 1 and she had built up bad habits, like begging for food. It makes me want to punt her across the room (in the most loving way possible).

Every morning around 7, after I am done with my morning routine, I take her for a walk. She gets a little bit of food in the morning and a bit more in the evenings, so she knows that when we come back from the walk she is going to get fed. Because she knew this, she would come inside, and immediately begin to bump the closet door with her nose where her food is kept — repeatedly. (She is broken from this habit now) The more she would beg, the less desire I had to feed her.

So I would wait. Eventually, I would ignore her long enough where she stopped bumping the door. Then she would come sit next to me and stare into my soul while drooling on my floor. Finally, reluctantly, she would go lay down on her mat, defeated. I would wait a few more moments — then I would feed her.

If I reward her every time she begs, what am I teaching her? To beg. If I reward her once she relaxes, what am I teaching her? Trust and patience. How many times have you heard the story, “I badly wanted a partner and I was searching for so long. Finally, I learned to be okay on my own and I stopped looking. As soon as I stopped looking, there they were.”

I wonder sometimes, if God teaches us the same way I’ve learned to teach Lilly. I believe God is more concerned with the lessons we learn and who we become, rather that what we get. If we get all that we want, but never progress in character and obedience, we become spoiled; trained to beg and to throw a temper tantrum when we don’t get what we asked for. This is false hope for real life. Life is not always going to go your way and there will be trouble. It’s better to be prepared for this truth rather than blindsided by it.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11

I used to panic when things didn’t go my way. I would get upset and over-dramatic, like the world was ending. I over-reacted when I failed at something or when I dropped the ball on practicing a habit or discipline that was important to me. Failure is a wise teacher, and now instead of throwing a fit when things don’t go my way, I learn. The more I grow, the less control my emotions have on me snd the less grip my circumstances have on my happiness.

"The same wind blows on us all, it’s the set of the sails that makes all the difference."

When we learn to trust Him for our provision. When we learn to trust that He is aware of our every need and desire, we learn to let go of things. That doesn’t mean we should neglect to work hard. I am a fan of the saying, “Pray like it depends on God, work like it depends on me.” However, living a life of begging and trying to kick down doors that aren’t supposed to be open is exhausting and very un-enjoyable. After all, rejoicing is a command. *Scripture

When we beg like children, we show a lack of trust. When we ask, and continue to push forward, life is a lot more enjoyable. The best part of it all is that when we learn to have a restful soul and we trust Him, we get to see Him come through for us in some of the most remarkable ways. Although it often doesn’t look exactly how we thought it would, it’s always better than we could have hoped for.

This morning, Lilly came inside, looked at the closet door, looked at me and went and laid down, peacefully. I fed her.